Frode (?)
Thorgils (?)
Svanhild (?)
Children of Svanhild (?) and Harald I, King of Norway
Eystein (?), Jarl in Hedemarken
Child of Eystein (?), Jarl in Hedemarken
Snefried (?)
Children of Snefried (?) and Harald I, King of Norway
Finnen Svase (?)
Child of Finnen Svase (?)
Alvhild (?)
Ring Dagsson of Ringerike
Child of Ring Dagsson of Ringerike
Ragnhild (?)
Ragnhild (?) also went by the nick-name of Ragnhild ‘the Rich’ (?)
Child of Ragnhild (?) and Harald I, King of Norway
- Eirik I, King of Norway and Northumbria+ b. 895, d. 954
Erik, 13th King of Haithabu 
He gained the title of 13th King Erik of Haithabu.
Children of Erik, 13th King of Haithabu
- Ragnhild (?)+
- Erik, 14th King of Haithabu+ b. 800, d. a 870